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Melissa Opper O’Donnell is HMI Los Angeles’s Director of Community Engagement!

Have you missed HMI’s #MeetTheTeamMonday! Well you’re in luck because we have new team members for you to meet!

Today, meet Melissa Opper O’Donnell from #hmilosangeles! “It’s amazing to wake up each day and do ‘work’ that doesn’t actually feel like work! My passion in life is community-building, and it’s so exciting to get to do that every day for others. I also LOVE my HMI work family!”

Melissa has been to Israel at least 10 times, including as an HMI participant with her husband, and she lived in Tel Aviv for 6 months! When she’s there, she always enjoys rugelach from Marzipan Bakery and shawarma in a laffa (large, thin flatbread) with fries. On her most recent trips, she discovered a love for sabich, a pita sandwich made with grilled eggplant and hard boiled eggs! Melissa loves so many places in Israel, but a few of her favorites to visit are the Negev, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. On Melissa’s first trip as HMI LA’s new Director of Community Engagement, she is so excited to help her cohort make memories and form bonds with the other couples in the group. Some of her best friends are from her HMI cohort, and she can’t wait to help others create those bonds.

Get ready, HMI Los Angeles. Your trip to Israel with Melissa will change your life!