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High Holidays 2022/5783 (Hebrew calendar year)

The Jewish High Holidays are some of the most significant days in the Jewish calendar. They include Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year which begins 9/25), the 10 Days of Returning (the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur),  Yom Kippur (our collective day of soul-accounting which begins 10/4), and Sukkot (an 8-day celebration of the autumn bounty which begins 10/9).
Celebrate the Holidays with HMI
What better way to bring in the Jewish New Year and reflect on the past year than by gathering with your HMI family. We hope to see you at our national virtual event, at some of city-wide High Holiday happenings, or at cohort-based celebrations! Click here or on the images below to check out our upcoming events and RSVP.
HMI National Program – Oct 24
A Journey through the Jewish Calendar: In Conversation with Abigail Pogrebin
Monday, October 24 at 8:30 pm ET | 7:30 pm CT | 5:30 pm PT via Zoom
Click here to register!

It’s a new year, and there are so many ways to find meaning and inspiration in the Jewish calendar! That’s exactly what Abigail Pogrebin did when her curiosity around Jewish holidays (and what had kept them vibrant over hundreds of years!) led her to spend a whole year researching, observing, and celebrating 18 different Jewish holidays — many of which she’d never heard of! The result of that journey is the book “My Jewish Year,” a funny and profound exploration around Jewish rituals and the entire Jewish calendar.

Join us for a spirited discussion with author Abigail Pogrebin, facilitated by alumna and Chicago’s new Director of Community Engagement, Emily Achler, who also co-created HMI’s national book club in 2020. Alumni who register for this program will get a FREE copy of Abigail’s book! Anyone interested in starting a book club in their community will also receive an HMI toolkit and local support in getting things off the ground!

HMI SF Bay Area – Sept 29
HMI Los Angeles – Oct 1
HMI Atlanta – Oct 12
HMI DC – Oct 15
HMI Chicago: Click here to see a list of services and events in your area!
Celebrate with Your Cohort
Host a Rosh Hashanah dinner, Yom Kippur break-fast (a tradition where those who fasted on the holiday gather for a big meal!), plan an apple picking outing, or organize any other creative idea you have to celebrate and honor the upcoming holidays! Remember that our alumni grants are available to subsidize costs. Not sure where to start, but want to do something? Reach out to your local HMI team member, and we’ll be happy to help you!
High Holiday Resources for You and Your Family
Our HMI team has created and gathered thoughtful resources to help make this year’s High Holidays relatable and enjoyable. We hope these will help you bring the holidays into your home and into your soul.

3-Step Choreography of the Spirit
The High Holiday season gives us a special opportunity to look inward and do a little spiritual damage control. This resource walks you through the three steps for Jewish relationship-healing: cheshbon hanefesh (spiritual accounting), teshuvah (returning to your values), and tashlich (ritually releasing your baggage).

Tasting the Sweetness of the High Holidays
It’s a Jewish custom to eat foods which symbolize our desire for a sweet year. This guide will explain why and how we mark the High Holiday season with sweetness.

Couples’ Guide to Teshuvah
Apologizing and really meaning it: A special Honeymoon Israel guide for couples.

Couples' Guide to Teshuvah 2022 by Honeymoon Israel

What is Sukkot and how do we celebrate?
This guide will walk you through the rituals of the holiday of Sukkot and share meaning behind our traditions and celebrations.

Sukkot Resource 2022 by Honeymoon Israel