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Have you ever stopped to think about that ninth candle on the Hanukkah menorah? It’s called the shamash, and it’s the helper candle we use to light the other candles. It’s the one that allows all the others to shine.

This Hanukkah, we want you to be the light that illuminates others. We’ve put together eight conversation starters featuring HMI alumni from all over North America to help you spark up each night of Hanukkah.

As you reflect on how you’ll be the light, join us in passing it on to future HMIers by supporting Honeymoon Israel with a donation. Your contribution will allow HMI to serve more couples on their journey as they explore Jewish life through trips to Israel, local programming, funding grants, and learning opportunities.

Wishing you a happy Hanukkah full of love and light,
Jordy, CO5 & Kimberly, SF9
HMI Alumni Leaders