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At Honeymoon Israel, we are heartbroken by the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel and the ongoing pain and suffering occurring across the region. Our vision has always been to support our diverse community of couples in their own exploration of Judaism and their connection to Jewish life and Israel. We are a multicultural community of people from a variety of backgrounds, and recognize that each person in our community holds their own personal perspectives and relationship with Israel. While these perspectives and life experiences impact the way we engage in deep conversations around the Middle East, it’s most important for us to hold space for our community members and their multitude of feelings in this moment — pain, confusion, anger, grief. In hard moments, community can be a gift and a salve.

We’re facing a lot of uncertainty as we gather information to figure out next steps here at home and next steps around trips to Israel. In the meantime we will continue to provide resources to our community. This page will be updated regularly with a variety of information to support not only our alumni community, but also those of you who wish to participate in HMI’s program in the future or want to support our mission.

Even though it might not feel this way today, we are confident that travel to Israel will be possible and safe in the near future. In the meantime, we’ll continue supporting the diverse and wonderful communities around the country that make HMI so special.


Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook for additional support and resources.


The current conflict is heartbreaking and extremely complicated whether you are Jewish or love someone who is. If you’re looking for resources to learn more or get involved, we’re here for you.

  • Show your love and solidarity for those in Israel by sharing messages of support to HMI team members and partners based in Israel and families who’ve been displaced due to the current crisis. 
  • Join HMI and over a hundred Jewish community organizations in support and solidarity with the hostages and their families as part of the Blue Ribbons for Israel campaign.


The events of the past few weeks in Israel and the region continue to be difficult to absorb and understand. If you’re looking for resources to learn more about Israel and the region, we’ve got ideas ranging from books to podcasts to news sources.



As the Israel-Hamas War continues to unfold, we imagine many in our HMI community feel real fear and loneliness. We understand that folks are still processing shock and sorrow over the terrorist attack on Israel, the ongoing violence impacting innocent people in the entire region, antisemitic and Islamophobic sentiments around the world and much more. In this time of crisis and grief, Honeymoon Israel is dedicated to supporting our diverse couples in their connection to each other

We’ll continue to add resources here and on our social media channels to support you.

Conversation Guide

If you are processing with your partner, your cohort, or others during this time, we offer you a HMI Conversation Guide to create a container for the myriad of emotions you may be holding right now and to open the conversation for how we can lean on each other and find sparks of light to sustain us in trying times.

Guidance for Talking to Children

Our friends at PJ Library have put together resources for navigating conversations about events in Israel with children.

Community Gatherings

Find upcoming virtual events and in-person, nationwide events at The Hub.

Messages of Support

Send a message of love and support to your HMI tour guide and we’ll pass it along. Email us or DM us on Facebook or Instagram.


On Monday, October 9, over 430 households joined us for Honeymoon Israel’s virtual briefing and vigil following the horrific atrocities occurring in Israel. We know how overwhelming, upsetting, and frightening the last several days have been, and we were thankful for the opportunity for our community to come together to learn, pray, mourn, and hope in such a painful time like this.

Thank you to co-CEO Avi Rubel and dearest HMI Tour Educator Yishay Shavit for sharing an overview and their own experiences on what’s been happening in Israel since Saturday morning, as well as to Rabbi Rena Singer (HMI CHI), Neil Spears (HMI LA), and HMI’s Director of Jewish Journeys & Enrichment Rabbi Todd Zinn for giving us words, rituals, and songs to express our grief and solidarity. Click here to see a short clip.

Additionally, click here for the blessings and prayers from the gathering and a list of ways you can help.


Dear HMI community,

As we watch the situation unfold in Israel today, our hearts are with the people of Israel and all those impacted by the horrific violence. As you may have seen in the news, a conflict broke out between Israel and Gaza early this morning. We do not currently have any HMI groups on the ground in Israel but we will be closely monitoring the situation as it develops and will make changes for upcoming groups if necessary.

We know many of you are thinking about our incredible Israeli tour educators and their families during this time. We are checking in on our friends and colleagues in Israel, and please feel free to share any messages of love and support with those you know as well. We can only imagine how scary these events have been.

HMI is here for you, our alumni community, to ensure that you feel well supported in your connection to Israel especially during these challenging times. We will be in touch with more details and resources. Please feel free to reach out to your local HMI staff with questions, comments, and thoughts as you learn and process the horrific events happening in Israel.

We are holding all of those impacted by this attack close to our hearts.


Mike Wise, Avi Rubel and the HMI Team

Honeymoon Israel is made possible thanks to the generosity and partnership of our supporters.
If you’d like to give to ensure more couples can participate in the Honeymoon Israel experience, you can make a donation.