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Nicole Erdfrocht is HMI Miami’s Community Staff!

Happy #MeetTheTeamMonday!

Today, meet Nicole Erdfrocht from #hmimiami! “I love partnering with HMI because I love how passionate everyone is about creating the best experience possible for the group. Can’t wait for it all to come together on the ground in Israel!” Nicole’s been to Israel over 15 times, and her absolute favorite foods to snack on in Israel are Bissli and Bamba. Nicole has led many trips to Israel in the past, but this will be her first time leading an HMI experience! She says that the best part about staffing any trip to Israel is seeing it through the lens of the participants. With this being such a unique and diverse experience, it feels like seeing Israel for the first time!

Get ready, HMI Miami. Your FIRST trip to Israel with Nicole will be one for the books!