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Andrea Deck is HMI’s Regional Director, South!

It’s Monday which means… it’s time for HMI #MeetTheTeamMonday!

Today, meet Andrea Deck, our new Regional Director, South, from Washington DC! “I love working for HMI because of the couples. We take the most awesome people with us on these incredible immersive experiences, and I am awed by their gratitude, their talents, their engagement, their families and their love.”

Andrea’s been on 12 HMI trips to Israel, and she always makes time to stop in Israeli coffee shops each time she visits! She loves their slower and more intimate atmospheres and always makes sure to grab a cup or two of Israeli iced coffee. One of Andrea’s favorite HMI trip memories was a surprise wedding at a winery in the north! The group danced, ate, drank, and watched the stars all night, and every single person went up in the chair during the hora.

Thank you, Andrea, for everything you do for the HMI team and community!