Hanukkah 2021/5782 (Hebrew calendar year)
What even IS Hanukkah?
A short guide for those of us who need to brush up on Hanukkah and how to celebrate it.
How Christmas transformed Hanukkah in America
American/Jewish meaning-making around Hanukkah, especially as it relates to Christmas, continues to evolve to this day. Learn more about how Christmas transformed Hanukkah in America.
Anatomy of a Hanukkiah
Everything you need to illuminuate your home on Hanukkah.

Want to host a Hanukkah party for your HMI family?
If you’re looking to elevate your holiday get-togethers, apply for a Honeymoon Israel alumni grant! It’s free $$ to help you pull it off in style. Click here for more details about how to get some of that sweet, sweet Hanukkah gelt. Also, here are some HMI-themed Hanukkah party ideas to get you started. Choose one, choose a few, or choose them all!

’Tis The Season…Oy Vey! A discussion guide for couples to talk through the December good, bad, and confusing.
The December holidays are the best, but they sometimes come with questions and a little stress, especially for couples who grew up celebrating differently from each other! Don’t worry; HMI has your back. Below are a few conversation starters you can use to find some solidarity with your partner. Wishing you all a season of love, light, blessings, and health!

Hanukkah Legacies & Miracles: A Honeymoon Israel Conversation Guide
Hanukkah is more than ancient Jewish history about survival and miracles. It’s an opportunity to make meaning of our legacies as both Jews and folks who are Jewish adjacent. This activity will inspire HMI participants to learn a bit about the Hanukkah story, and to center their own ancestors into the narrative of the Maccabees. By seeing our own family members as active creators of miracles and legacies, we can connect more intimately with values and freedoms fought for during the rededication of the Great Temple.