Attend a Community Program


There are many community programs with Jewish or Israeli components, such as museum exhibits on Jewish history or art, programs for young families, speaker series, Jewish holiday events hosted by community organizations, and more. You can receive financial support for the cost of the ticket to the event whether you purchase just for yourself or for a group of HMI alumni. Looking for events? Reach out to your HMI Director of Community Engagement for ideas.

What’s Covered?
Apply for a Micro Grant to cover up to 50% of the cost of admission.

Find Events In Your City
Check out The Hub for local online and in-person events. Be sure to check your HMI newsletter for local events, too.

“It was so meaningful to watch my daughter engage in Jewish activities with other young children, especially the children of my HMI family. Thanks to funding from HMI, we had the opportunity to make even more memories with our HMI friends that we will always treasure.”

Jewish Family Camp, Hilary, HMI Alum