“It’s like a Jewish Halloween!” is how we sometimes hear people describe the Jewish holiday of Purim. Both holidays involve costumes and parties, so we get the comparison, but that’s sort of where it ends.
Not familiar with the Purim story? Rewind approximately 2,300 years ago when the Jewish people were fleeing Jerusalem and ended up in ancient Persia (now Iran). The story stars Esther and her cousin Mordechai in the ancient town of Shushan. Esther manages to become the queen of Persia, but hides her Jewish identity from the king. The King’s evil advisor Haman is plotting to kill all of the Jews in Shushan. Mordecai finds out and encourages Esther to intervene. Esther hasn’t told the king she’s Jewish, and takes an immense risk to reveal her true self to vanquish Haman and save her people from complete annihilation.
The story of Esther is one of triumph over adversity and with strong women at the center – we love to see it! Esther’s confession to the king was a risky one, but her bravery had a deep impact on her community.
Many American Jews celebrate Purim by dressing up in costume, attending Purim spiels (a dramatic reading of the megillah, or the Book of Esther), and giving gifts of food to our friends and family called misloach manot. We cheer the bravery of Esther and boo at the evil Haman. Plus, we eat hamantaschen, a triangle shaped cookie that represents Haman’s hat. It’s quite the party-hardy, festive vibe.
It’s easy to celebrate Purim – see our ideas below!
Give a goodie bag to your neighbor – or HMI friend!
Gifts of food, called misloach manot, can include hamantaschen, candy, chips, or little treats. Put it in a little goodie bag with a sweet note and make your friend or neighbor’s day!
Make a donation to a food bank
Giving gifts to the poor, called matanot la’evyonim, is another tradition of Purim that helps us remember our responsibility to others.
Host your own costume party
Whether you want to attend a local Purim spiel or host your own costume party, remember that wine and feasting are all part of the Purim story! Apply for an Alumni Micro Grant to host your own Purim party with your HMI crew.
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