Host a Tu B'Shevat Dinner


This time of year, we get to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, which you may know as the New Year or Birthday of the Trees. What you might not know is that there’s a fun tradition to host a low-key but festive meal, sometimes called a seder, featuring wine and a few fruits and grains known as the Seven Species (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates).

This Tu B’Shevat, we invite you to get your HMI crew together and try out some new recipes using the Seven Species! Do it potluck style where you each bring something using one of the species or get creative and make your own “Tu B’Shevat-cuterie Board!” (truly a millennial’s dream). Click here for some recipe ideas to get you started.

What’s Covered?

Apply to receive up to $10 per HMI alum in attendance for expenses related to your gathering, such as food, rental space, and more.