Lights and Insights: Host a Holiday Conversation & Celebration


There are so many reasons to get together this time of year! Hanukkah! Christmas! Kwanzaa! Chinese New Year! Secular New Year! We love finding reasons to celebrate together. 

This year, the first night of Hanukkah and Christmas overlap. This can serve as a beautiful backdrop for noticing and celebrating the other ways our celebrations overlap that add light and warmth to your relationship and your home. It can also serve as an opportunity to honor and discuss your own unique experiences, memories and traditions around this time of year.

Gather together with a group of HMI friends to discuss what makes this time of year so special.

What’s Covered?

Apply to receive up to $10 per HMI alum in attendance for expenses related to your holiday gathering, such as food, rental space, and more.

Use this resource to prompt your conversation.